TryHackMe: Agent T Writeup

Vineeth Bharadwaj P
2 min readAug 7, 2022

Level: (very) Easy
Link: Agent T

Highlight: This is a simple machine in which we abuse the PHP backdoor to gain RCE


This is very simple, and does not need much enumeration. We know port 80 is open. I ran a nmap scan on this port to find out what service it was running.

We see that the http server is running on PHP 8.1.0-dev

Alternatively, you can also find this by looking at the response by setting up Burp proxy.

The “dev” tag in the PHP 8.1.0-dev caught my eye, and when I searched for it, I found out that it has a backdoor which allows RCE.


This part too is very simple and straight-forward.
I searched for PHP 8.1.0-dev on exploit-db and found the exploit:

I downloaded it and ran it against the http server, and I had the root shell.

root shell

Now to get the flag..




Vineeth Bharadwaj P

Automotive/I.T Security. Artist. Photographer. Germany/India